
What is Catalyst?

Catalyst is a movement that challenges people to reduce their waste production. It does so by tracking waste disposal, provides interactive facts through an AR experience, contains information and day to day news regarding humanity's carbon foot print. It then rewards members who are consistently managing their waste properly.

How Does it Work?

Catalyst functions and brands itself through three different entities. The first being an application, the second being a completely sustainable and 100% recyclable rewards package, and the third being a website.

The Entities

The application is the nucleus of the existing entities and is where members will record activity and measure progress. It functions as a social media platform, an information feed, an AR experience, and a tracking device tied into one package. Members can show how they are creatively repurposing waste and give ideas to friends and the general public. It has all the functions that any other social media platform has. Second, it live feeds daily news on what is occurring in our world as a result of waste negligence. It also plays with Augmented Reality for a fun and creative spin where people can scan the world around them for fun facts presented with fun animations to catch the viewer's attention. Lastly, a user can scan their waste based on material and where it is discarded to gain or lose experience in a way to teach members how to discard certain waste and rewards those who do it properly. The rewards package is a thank you project to the members who stick with keeping this world clean. As stated in the app, there is a feature that tracks members and those who gain enough experience will receive points. Points can then be used on the website to redeem a gift, the rewards package. This package is 100% free, sustainable and recyclable. The package contains a foldable made from seeded paper that contains information about the Catalyst movement, and can be opened into a poster for reusability and style. The branded T-shirt is the reward of the month and is banded all together with seeded paper to reduce waste. The website is the catalyst home area where people can customize their avatar, become a Catalyst, brands itself, provides information, and is the area to redeem rewards. It encompasses all of the movement, and is the central area for its members.

The App

The Website

The Rewards Package

The Uniforms

Uniform Branding

Additonal Assets



Field Guide

Ocean Theme

Space Theme

Jungle Theme



Hero Shots

Actaeon is a brand that I developed in collaboration with the people at John Heinz Wildlife Reserve. It is a brand that involves three separate deliverables including a website, an app, and a field guide. Through research and site visits, this encompassing experience with one mission, to save and preserve national parks across America.

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This project was done in collaboration with Abington Hospital, Philadelphia. It consists of three murals scattered around the hospital that are representations of landscapes around the world. It was built for the children's sector of the hospital with the intent to help kids not feel trapped in a hospital and to give them the feeling of adventure. Each mural represents a habitat in nature with animals and objects unique to the ecosystem. In addition to this, an app was mapped out as an "I Spy" like game where each animal has one unique animal to find. Once scanned on the mural, it gives real-life information about the animal so the kids are not only adventuring but learning about the planet as well.

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